An invitation to all Christian writers, aspiring or expert, teen through centennial, all genres, to kick their writing to the next level at Lancaster Christian Writers' Super Saturday 2019!! April 6th, 2019, from 8:30am-4:30pm at Lancaster Bible College, 901 Eden Road, Lancaster, PA, 17601. This one-day writers conference offers a dual track of workshops in fiction and non-fiction. Please share with friends, family, church, school, library, homeschool co-op!!
SS2019’s very affordable registration price of $55 is due by Wednesday, April 3rd, and includes lunch and LCW membership. Registrations after April 3rd and walk-ins day of the conference are $65. Seventh-twelfth grade aspiring writers are also welcome at a two-for-one rate, or half-off if accompanying a parent, which includes lunch buffet. Group rates for home-school co-ops or Christian schools can be negotiated by contacting Jeanette Windle at
We are delighted to welcome Ronie Kendig. bestselling author of over twenty high action novels, as keynote speaker. Other faculty include publisher and literary agent Dave Fessenden, historical novelist and writing coach Rita Gerlach, publisher, author, and historian J.P. Robinson, editor-in-chief of Hope Editors and author of fiction and non-fiction Hope Flinchbaugh, freelance editor and award-winning author Jeanette Windle. Workshops cover such topics as:
- Mind Your Business: Why & How Authors Can Easily Set Up a Writing System that Pays
- Pack a Punch: Striking Hard with Plot and Character for a Knock-out Novel
- Dynamic Dialogue: Creating Dialogue with Purpose that Moves Your Story Forward
- More than Just a Transcript: Turning Your Preaching or Speaking into Writing
- Three-D Characters: Five Key Strategies to Create Characters That Walk Off the Page
- Divide and Conquer: Manageable Steps to Writing Your First Draft
- Write to the Heart of a Child: The Craft and Ministry of Writing for Children
- Ambush Your Reader: Shrewd Tactics for Using Setting and Stage to Create Strong Emotional Impact and Suspense