What a wonderful day Super Saturday 2013 turned out to be. Perfect weather, all faculty arriving safely at Lancaster Bible College with rave reviews on their workshops. LBC outdid their usual warm welcome with a delicious soup-salad-sandwich buffet for our lunch. If you missed this year, do get Super Saturday 2014 on your calendar now for next spring.
Meanwhile we are delighted to welcome attorney and copyright law expert Peter Kraybill
to our May LCW meeting on Saturday, May 18, 2013, from 9:30AM-12 noon (registration opens at 9) at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church, 419 Pierson Rd, Lititz, PA, 17543. Peter Kraybill will be offering a "how-to" presentation for writers on conducting copyright clearance, addressing copyright registration and resolving contract concerns. So bring your questions and that writer friend who has their own concerns on protecting intellectual property.Meanwhile we are delighted to welcome attorney and copyright law expert Peter Kraybill
IN OTHER NEWS: Several of our members have taken advantage of Dr. Amy Deardon's services in producing ebooks (Amy taught a three-hour clinic on ebooking for our September opening). If you are considering such services for producing your ebook (SO much easier wondering about quality issues, here are two links to member titles she's done.
1. Gathered Pieces by Byron Smith: This is the ebook version of Byron's acclaimed award-winning poetry collection. If you enjoyed the poetry Byron has shared with our group and own a Kindle (or a Kindle app on your Ipad, computer, Iphone, etc.), don't just check out the new book, but purchase a copy for yourself or a friend who enjoys poetry (and pass on the link to poetry lovers). At only 99 cents, Gathered Pieces is a bargain for any poetry lover.
2. Betrayed by Jeanette Windle: I share this NOT to encourage purchase (I know most of you who have Kindle got it when it was a free download as part of the Congo Dawn launch PR in January), BUT to share the proficiency with which Amy Deardon produced not just an ebook, but a brandnew cover for the book. The story behind this project was that Betrayed fell between the cracks of some contract glitches related to the beginning of the ebook revolution (issued 2008), so that due to an expiration of cover graphics rights (one of those contract questions for Peter Kraybull!), Tyndale House had to let the entire ebook expire on the 5th anniversary of release (not the case with later titles, thankfully!). Amy Deardon had a new cover and the complete book back on Kindle within two weeks--and at a price for which I could not have afforded investing my own time! Check it out if you are looking for similar services.
MEMBER NEWS/ANNOUNCEMENTS: A reminder that if you have LCW/writer related news, a new book release, published piece, etc., we are always delighted to showcase it in our news letter. Just email news blurb to jeanette@jeanettewindle.com
As always, regular news bulletins for LCW can be found at our blogsite: http://lancasterchristianwriterstoday.blogspot.com/.
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers