Friday, June 29, 2012

Lancaster Christian Writers Summer News & Opportunities

Lancaster Christian Writers held its last meeting for the summer. It's been a great year with some wonderful speakers. Whether you've been able to join us once or twice or been there almost every month, I hope you've found benefit in the teaching, peer critique, and fellowship with other writers. Many in the group have shared plans to attend at least one writers conference this summer. I myself will be teaching a Spanish-language Christian writers conference in Mexico City July 18-20 and a fiction clinic at Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference August 1-4 (hope to see a number of you there!). Whatever your own plans, have a great summer.

And mark your calendar now for our fall kickoff Saturday, September 15, 2012, with Amy Deardon, an expert on e-book publishing, who will be offering to us the full extended clinic she teaches at Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference and other venues. The workshop not only walks through all the steps necessary to turn YOUR manuscript into an e-book available on Amazon and elsewhere, but how to set up your e-bookstore to actually market and sell the book. This is such a wonderful privilege for LCW members, I hope you will help us get the news out to others who might be interested in the subject matter.


1. BOOK-SIGNING: LCW member Naomi Hughlett will be signing her newest children's book, "That's Fishing, from  2:30-5:30 PM Saturday, July 14, 2012, at The Well Counseling Center, located at 264 W. Market St. York, Pa.17401. She extends an invitation to all LCW members. A PDF flyer of the event is attached. For more info, call Naomi Hughlett at 717-424-3557.

2. GOD'S STORIES 8: The God's Stories editors are still seeking devotionals for this year's issue and have extended the deadline. Here is their invite to LCW:
"Thank you to those who sent in your entry for next year’s devotional. We have received over 200 entries so far! If you haven’t submitted yours, we encourage you to send one as soon as possible. If you already have sent one, you can submit another one. Please send by Monday, July 23. Many holiday entries have been submitted but still needed are the following:  New Year’s Day, President’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Earth Day, Flag Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Veteran’s Day and New Year’s Eve. For instructions and a sample entry to help you write your own devotional, click here. Photos of local people and places are also needed. For photo instructions, click here. Authors and photographers will receive a discount on each book."

3. COPYRIGHTING: Ever wonder about copyrighting and intellectual property? LCW member John Beiswenger shared with us at this past LCW meeting his own copyright infringement struggle surrounding his first novel, Link. If you're curious, he offers the following link (no pun intended!) to the story:

4. SPEAKERS FOR 2012-2013 LCW CALENDAR: We are in the process of setting up our calendar for the upcoming LCW year with a number of speaking slots still open. If you have a speaker or workshop you'd like to recommend, please email me direct at

Until September then (or GPCWC if you'll be there)

Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers