If you have a book, you DON'T have a major publishing company contract, and have wondered about the advantages, possibilities, and technical practicalities of indie publishing your title, you won't want to miss this month's Lancaster Christian Writers session Saturday, November, 2018, with author and eBook publisher at Lancaster Alliance Church, 210 Pitney Rd (off Hwy 30 across from Costco) from 9:30AM-12 noon (registration opens at 9).
WORKSHOP: “Why and How to Publish with Kindle Direct Publishing”: In this practical hands-on workshop, Charlie Liebert will demonstrate why and how he has converted ALL his writing work to KDP - Kindle Direct Publishing. During the workshop, he will be working directly with the KDP site to showcase exactly how a book is entered, uploaded, and published.
SPEAKER: When Charlie Liebert abandoned atheism to become a Christian, he immediately saw the contradiction between Creation and Evolution. By then he had already earned a BS in Chemistry and an MBA in marketing. He has conducted over four hundred workshops and seminars teaching Christian apologetics, including several years for Ken Ham’s ministry "Answers in Genesis.” For ten years from 1995-2000, he produced a weekly TV show in Greensboro, NC, called "Creation Foundation Explanation.” Charlie has published fourteen eBooks on Amazon’s Kindle, of which ten are also in paperback. His indie publication service helps indie helps other authors publish to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing as both eBooks and print on demand.
CRITIQUE GROUPS: And don't forget to bring your latest work-in-progress (ten copies up to 1500 words).
As always, more info can be found at our LCW blog: http://lancasterchristianwriterstoday.blogspot.com Or email questions or concerns to jeanette@jeanettewindle.com
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers