WORKSHOP: A Christian Writer’s Creative Tool Box for Reaching the Youth Market: How to get kids and their teachers interested in history? What about teaching moral values in today's secular schools? Or applying Jesus’s own example of telling stories to impart Christian principles? In this workshop, Christian writer and educator Terry Webb will share tools for using fiction to teach biblical values along with American history even within the secular school system, all while keeping often reluctant YA/Middle School readers engaged.

CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCES: And a reminder that summer--and writers conference season--is just around the corner. LCW has received personal invitations by directors of two great Christian writers conferences in our region, both of whom have spoken at our LCW conference and are known to you. Both conferences are wonderful opportunities to jump-start your summer writing, so I can't recommend highly enough attending one or the other or both.
MONTROSE CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE: The 29th annual Montrose Christian Writers Conference, directed by Marsha Hubler, will be held July 22-27, 2018, at Montrose Bible Conference, Montrose, PA (north-central PA). Info available at website:
GREATER PHILADELPHIA CHRISTIAN WRITERS CONFERENCE: GPCWC will be held July 26-28, 2018, at Dock Mennonite Academy in Lansdale, PA. Marlene Bagnull is director of GPCWC as well as Colorado Christian Writers Conference and Greater Philly Christian Writers Guild. Info available at website:
CRITIQUE GROUPS: And don't forget to bring your latest work-in-progress (ten copies up to 1500 words). This will be LAST opportunity for critique groups until fall.
As always, email questions or concerns to jeanette@jeanettewindle.com
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers