SPEAKER: Jeannette Scott is a professional, certified life coach who empowers Christian writers and leaders to THRIVE in life and ministry. She is an author, former editor, award-winning journalist, and pastor. She is passionate about people, communication, mental health, and quilting. She lives in Christiana, Lancaster County, with her husband and has three adult children. You may learn more about Jeannette and her coaching practice at www.mthrive.org.
WORKSHOP: "Taking Your Writing to the Next Level". Are you spinning your wheels to get published but stuck in the same spot as last year and the year before? Not sure what your next move should be? Tired of investing time and money in books and conferences but not seeing progress in your writing ministry? This interactive workshop will send you on your way with personalized next steps that you help create. Come ready to do some heavy lifting (with your brain, not your arms) as Jeannette Scott coaches you to discover and commit to your next steps.
And we've received two invites for our LCW members, one for submissions and the other a fabulous one-day writers conference, so check out the details below and do take advantage of these opportunities.
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: SILENT ECHO LITERARY & POETRY JOURNEL (FIRST ISSUE DEBUTING SEPTEMBER 2017) has extended to LCW a call for submissions for this brand-new magazine: https://silentecholiteraryjournalblog.wordpress.com/ All submissions for first issue must be emailed no later than Aug. 28th to echoliteraryjournal@gmail.com. Work must be submitted via Microsoft Word as an email attachment including the cover letter. If your story is accepted or rejected you will receive an email. Following genres considered: Suspense fiction. Crime fiction. Detective fiction. Thriller. Mystery fiction. Westerns. Women’s fiction. Historical romance. Essays. Poetry. Deadlines for poetry, essays & stories: 28th of each month
WRITING TO INSPIRE CHRISTIAN WRITERS WORKSHOP invites LCW members Saturday, September 9, 2017, in Frederick, MD. Details and their brochure can be found HERE.
CRITIQUE GROUPS: We will be making time as well for our usual peer critique groups, so if you have a piece you've been waiting all summer to have critiqued, bring 10 copies of up to 1500 words.
As always, email questions or concerns to jeanette@jeanettewindle.com
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers