WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: Most writers aren’t able to work at their craft full time, and instead, need to fit their writing into schedules filled with responsibilities that are both desirable (family) and undesirable (that full time job that pays the bills but isn’t as much fun as writing). Naturally organized people are often good at setting a schedule and sticking to it, but many creative people struggle to find the time they need to make progress on their writing projects. This workshop will appeal to both the schedulers and the flexers (for the record, the presenter fits into the second category) as Lisa discusses ways to use both small snippets and large chunks of time to finish those WIPs.
SPEAKER: Lisa Lawmaster Hess is a retired school counselor who has taught classes on organization and time management to elementary aged children, busy adults and retirees. She is the author of two books in the education market, Acting Assertively and Diverse Divorce, and one novel, Casting the First Stone. In addition to writing, Lisa is an adjunct professor of psychology at York College of Pennsylvania.
CRITIQUE GROUPS: And don't forget to bring your latest work-in-progress from this summer for critique groups (ten copies up to 1500 words).
As always, email questions or concerns to jeanette@jeanettewindle.com
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers