Monday, May 30, 2011

Lancaster Christian Writers June News

Dear Lancaster Christian Writers:

A special thanks to author and speaker Becky Toews for an inspirational as well as practical walk through her publishing journey at our last LCW meeting on May 21st. Our last meeting before breaking for the summer will be on Saturday, June 18, at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church, 419 Pierson Rd, Lititz, PA, 17543, from 9:30AM-12 noon (registration opens 9AM).  If you're wondering whether you should tuck a writers conference into your summer schedule (and which!), have questions about approaching agents and editors, a proposal/query needing critiqued, this is your opportunity. Novelist, journalist, and freelance editor Jeanette Windle, a frequent writers conference faculty member, will be answering those questions and more and offering individual critiques of conference-ready query letters and book proposals at a first-come, first-serve basis. This will also be a last opportunity for usual peer critique groups until fall, so bring your ten copies of 1500 words or less .


1) Publication Opportunity: Voice of Grace and Truth : We were delighted to welcome at our May LCW meeting Joyce Tilney, editor of PA regional Christian newspaper Voice of Grace and Truth. VGT editor extended a special invitation to LCW members to submit articles, poetry and other material to the newspaper. Don't let this opportunity pass you by! Here is a word from Joyce Tilney to Lancaster Christian Writers:

"The Voice of Grace and Truth is a Christian Newspaper uniting faith, family and community.  At least 20,000 people see the Voice in Montgomery, Chester, Lancaster and York Counties with copies going to Philadelphia and beyond. In Lancaster and York Counties you can pick up the paper in Weiss and Giant Food Stores and Stauffers of Kissel Hill. Also in many restaurants and stores. You can also read  the paper online and we receive hits from people around the world. http://www.thevoiceofgraceandtruth/There is power in the printed word!  You have a voice with a story to tell.  Personal testimonies change people lives. We invite you to share your testimony, an answer to prayer, a devotion.  We call the paper TNT; teaching, news and testimony. The Voice is an evangelistic tool for the Kingdom of God.  Partner with us today to bring good news to a loss world. Together we can make a difference. To receive writer’s guidelines please email me at"

2) Congratulations to Sandy Arnold, for her article 'Burned Up', featured in the Lancaster Sunday News May 22, 2011. Attached is a scanned link of the article Sandy has graciously taken time to share with the group.

3) Fall kickoff will be September, 2011, exact date to be announced. BUT we already have Dave Fesseden, managing editor of CLC Publications, lined up to do a workshop on his brand-new book "Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract" [we plan to have something for the fiction writers too). So do be marking your calendar.

Jeanette Windle

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lancaster Christian Writers meets Saturday, May 21st

Dear Lancaster Christian Writers:
With just two more LCW meetings before breaking for the summer, I hope you can find time to join us this Saturday, May 21st, at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church, 419 Pierson Rd, Lititz, PA, 17543, from 9:30AM-12 noon (registration opens 9AM).  With us will be Becky Toews,  author of non-fiction title Virgin Snow: Leaving Your Mark in the World. She will be offering a workshop on her journey in ministry-publishing her own book, sharing practical tips for each stage of the process from book conception to birth.  Becky Toews is a conference speaker, adjunct professor of Public Speaking and English Composition at Lancaster Bible College, ministry leader and pastor's wife for over thirty years, and had the privilege of studying with Dr. Francis Schaeffer at L'Abri. You can find out more about Becky and her book is at  
1) June meeting: Our last LCW meeting before summer is Saturday, June 18th. Focus will be on preparing queries and proposals for those summer writers conferences and submissions. I will be offering a hands-on workshop covering this subject and will be available to take a look at your own query/proposal if you bring it ready. We will also be offering the usual critique groups. So be thinking now of getting together that great proposal you'd like to pitch on your non-fiction or fiction book and bring it along for critique and Q&A.
2) Freedom's Stand: My new title, Freedom's Stand, sequel to 2010 Christian Book Award and Christy Award Veiled Freedom, is at last OFF THE PRESS! It hits bookstores June 1st. But for the many who have asked, it WILL be available Saturday at the LCW meeting, so if you have been wanting to get that copy (hey, think Father's Day!), you can pick it up there on special introductory price of $10 (lower than bookstore or Amazon, plus no shipping)
3) Fall kickoff will be September, 2011, exact date to be announced. BUT we already have Dave Fesseden, managing editor of CLC Publications, lined up to do a workshop on his brand-new book "Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract" [we plan to have something for the fiction writers too). So do be marking your calendar.
Until Saturday.
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

LCW April Followup/Invitation

Dear Lancaster Christian Writers:
A super thank you to Todd Dickenson of Aaron's Books for his informative presentation on making the most as an author of the local bookstore. I hope those of us who live in this area will take advantage of Aaron Books' open door and do our part through patronage in helping keep alive the only general market independent bookstore in this part of Pennsylvania. Check out their website for regular community book and author events (they have a fabulous e-book inventory as well): Next month, we will be welcoming Becky Toews, conference speaker, Bible teacher, Lancaster Bible College professor, and author of non-fiction title Virgin Snow: Leaving Your Mark in the World will be speaking with us practical tips learned from her publishing journey. So do keep open Saturday, May 21, to join us in welcoming her.
Also, if you are in the spring-cleaning mood, LCW member Brinton Culp offers an invitation to Brinton Culp will be presenting "Spring Greening and Cleaning" your home this Wed. evening (April 20) at 7:30pm at Lancaster Country Day School.  The event is hosted by the Lancaster Group Sierra Club and is free and open to the public.  Brinton will cover home safety, organizing, cleaning "green", and a bit about "greening" your lawn/garden.  For questions call Brinton at 717-725-0743 or email 
One other invitation: I will be speaking at a book event and dinner Wednesday, May 4th, 6 PM at Highland Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, PA. Tickets are $7. I'd love to see some familiar faces there if anyone has the evening free. I will be giving the same keynote address I gave at Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference and Montrose Christian Writers Conference. Information at the following news link:
For those asking, we WILL be having a June meeting (3rd Saturday). Focus will be on preparing queries and proposals for those summer writers conferences and submissions. So be thinking now of getting together that great proposal you'd like to pitch on your non-fiction or fiction book and bring it along for critique and Q&A.
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers

Lancaster Christian Writers meets Saturday, April 16th

Dear Lancaster Christian Writers:
While in Israel these last couple weeks (a wonderful experience!), we received news that it was actually snowing back home in PA. So what a delightful surprise to return to spring weather, blossoming trees, and budding flowers. Perfect weather to get out of the house! So I hope you will join us this coming Saturday, April 16th, at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church, 419 Pierson Rd, Lititz, PA, 17543, from 9:30AM-12 noon. We are delighted to welcome as our guests for that date the owners of Aaron's Bookstore in downtown Lititz, Todd and Sam Dickenson. Todd will be sharing with us the benefits a community bookstore can offer you as a local writer. He shares the following: "Aaron's Books in Lititz is Lancaster County's independent general interest bookstore, offering new and quality used books, as well as e-books. Owners Todd and Sam Dickinson and their son Aaron (age 8) – for whom the store is named – are committed to community involvement. Todd will offer the bookstore owner's perspective on bookselling and discuss ways authors and locally-owned, independent bookstores can work together to promote the author's work, as well as the love of reading." Check out more about their facilities and many community and author events at: 
We will also be holding our regular peer critique session, SO put to use all those tips you picked up at this year's Super Saturday conference and bring along that piece to critique. Remember the guidelines: no more than 1500 words and ten copies for group critique.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Jeanette Windle
President, Lancaster Christian Writers

Aaron's Books visits Lancaster Christian Writers on Saturday, April 19th

Dear Lancaster Christian Writers:
We had a WONDERFUL day together last Saturday, didn't we! Thank you to so many who volunteered with setup and takedown at our one-day writers conference, Super Saturday 2011, making it all run so effortlessly. And a thanks to our wonderful faculty and Marlene Bagnull, director Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference, who traveled to be with us. We've had nothing but glowing feedback from all the workshops. If you couldn't make it this year, do consider getting it on your schedule already for next year. It will be once again around the third Saturday of March.
Meanwhile, next month is always only a few weeks away. Lancaster Christian Writers meets again on Saturday, April 16th, at Lancaster Evangelical Free Church, 419 Pierson Rd, Lititz, PA, 17543, from 9:30AM-12 noon. We are delighted to welcome as our guests for that date the owners of Aaron's Bookstore in downtown Lititz, Todd and Sam Dickenson. Todd will be sharing with us the benefits a community bookstore can offer you as a local writer. He shares the following: "Aaron's Books in Lititz is Lancaster County's independent general interest bookstore, offering new and quality used books, as well as e-books. Owners Todd and Sam Dickinson and their son Aaron (age 8) – for whom the store is named – are committed to community involvement. Todd will offer the bookstore owner's perspective on bookselling and discuss ways authors and locally-owned, independent bookstores can work together to promote the author's work, as well as the love of reading." Check out more about their facilities and many community and author events at: http://www.aaron'   
We will also be holding our regular peer critique session, SO put to use all those tips you picked up at this year's Super Saturday conference and bring along that piece to critique. Remember the guidelines: no more than 1500 words and ten copies for group critique. IN OTHER NEWS:
1) It is an enormous pleasure to announce that one of SS2011 faculty, Tracy Higley, has just been nominated a Christian Book Award 2011 fiction finalist for her title Petra (yes, the one a lucky SS2011 conferee took home from the drawing!). Check out the details at:
2) If you are looking for some free spring reading, awardwinning author Lena Nelson Dooley has just posted an author interview and book drawing for my (Jeanette Windle) Kregel release, The DMZ, set in the Colombian guerrilla zones where I grew up. To be entered in the drawing for FREE COPY, do drop by and leave a comment:  
3) I leave Monday for a twelve day trip in Israel and Jordan, my first time in the Holy Land. I will be checking email  and Facebook sporadically along the way, but will be otherwise fairly unavailable until my return on April 9th. Meanwhile, happy writing!
Jeanette Windle
Chapter President, Lancaster Christian Writers